Tuesday, September 5

Fun with Dick and Dick.

Now it's a well known fact that I am very good with craft. Don't ask why, I couldn't tell you where my deftness with knitting needles comes from. I just am blessed OK?

I seem (to no-ones surprise) to also be quite obsessive compulsive. When packing up for our great transcontinental migration, I simply couldn't bring myself to throw out 4 boxes full of knitting wool that I had collected over the years. In fact, during the weeks where we were sifting stuff to throw away, I was actually in the process of purchasing MORE knitting wool. I think I kept the entire Knitting Wool economy alive in the Melbourne CBD for a while there. I wonder how its still going..... could someone go to The Wool Shop on the corner of Bourke and Russell streets and tell me if they're still there? I wager they may have now fallen on hard times. Alas.

SO arriving shortly are a selection of luxury packages from home; little gifts, clothes, tupperware in boxes all stuffed full of wool. It does make an excellent packing material you see. And you will all be wetting yourselves to know that since being here I have in fact managed to twiddle out a new iPod jumper for my new 60GB video iPod that Im totally in love with. And the best thing; it matches my new Crumpler bag. Victim to fashion? Moi? Victim? Maybe.

But that's just a segue into my latest infatuation. Apart from entertaining it would seem only myself writing this blog, I have found myself collecting pencils. This has, I have found, also started to solicit peculiar mumblings from the husband everytime we visit some tourist shoppe in a new fabulous city, and there's ANOTHER new piece of rubbish in the tacky souvenir bag. Lord.

But you see, pencils are useful. Especially ones with the little erasers on the ends. They are especially nice to do Sudoku with. And the day I find an especially agreeable set, I may even knit something with them! God, the mind boggles.





Blogger Lee said...

And I love you too, you mad bugger!

5:16 pm  

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