Friday, January 12

Royal ambitions


Recently my husband and I went to the picture palace to see a delightful little fillum starring our dame Helen.

Title. The Queen.

Now you all know that I am a fierce royalist. If you dont like it, or disagree, then I'm sorry, i can't help your affliction. But since I have behaved as if I was born into the house of Windsor since I was about the age of 6 years, I'm afraid that anything with even the slightest sniff of royalty will pique my interest.

However, just recently, we are most dismayed at the rediculous amount of papparazzi attention that Miss Kate Middleton seems to be getting. Sure, It's likely she will be the next Queen of England... (GASP! oh my god - just lets take a minute, clutch our royal bosom, and think about that... and she still drives herself around..) but will they just leave her alone please? Aren't they happy with the blood of Princess Diana on their hands? They are utter mongrel scum. All of them.

I take my hat off to the newspapers here in London who are making a stand against the papparazi and not purchasing their images of poor Kate with a 3000mm telescope lense pointed 2mm from her face as she goes out for her cunningham muffin on her birthday.

So Rupert. Why cant you have a little class and a little taste? huh?

I must say though, she is Impeccably styled, and a most beautiful creature. Sure, the future His and Her Majesty might not be the most colourful and multi layered disco track in the collection, but who cares. Look at Stephanie.

On this basis, I would like to now publish my list of my favourite Royals, here and now, and maybe one or two from the past.

Eddie the Queen of Keslakia's pick of the world's Royals

1. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain and the Commonwealth. Head of the Church of England.
2. Princess Mary of Denmark
3. Princess Margaret (d)
4. Prince Harry
5. Prince Albert ehhheh (d)
6. Diana, Princess of Wales (d)
7. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
8. Kate Middleton
9, Camilla
10 Blanch D'Alpugel

no, but really....



Blogger Anon Dirty said...

Camilla ahead of anyone in the Monegasque Princely Family?

For shame!

3:14 pm  
Blogger Eddie Knittster said...

I have one word for you Kim,
Questionable legitimacy.

5:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it was Rupert's papers that actually put a stop to the stalking of Kate in the first place. So this means he has performed two amazing feats, standing up for media morality (for once!) and producing an extrememly gorgeous billionaire son who desperately needs to be stolen away from Sarah by ME. Loving the fact that our Blanche gets a mention, although a little annoyed Kath Day Knight was snubbed along with Miss Helena (my personal pick for Australian Royalty).

8:59 pm  
Blogger CyberPete said...

We are most happy that our fabulous princess Mary made your royal list, but most dismayed that our fabulous Queen Margrethe II wasn't.


7:03 am  

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